Monday, May 4, 2009

My New Favorite Rice Krispy Treat

I have been waiting for a long time to make this special little treat. I had originally planned on doing it for Easter, but we were too busy. We made them on Sunday night and they are WAY good! I know you just want to lick the screen.

Here is what you do: First you make rice krispy treats.

Melt: 1/4 cup butter
1 (10oz) bag marshmallows
Mix: 6 cups rice krispies

Put rice krispies in fridge until no longer "really sticky". Mold rice krispies into balls and dip into melted almond bark chocolate and then dip rice krispies into sprinkles. Allow them to set and then enjoy!

I bought a bag of 15 oz marshmallows, while the recipe calls for 10 oz. Stephen loves marshmallows, and kept eating them out of the bag. After stealing a couple he looked at me and said, "Is it okay that I am eating the marshmallows that are for the rice krispy treats?"

I showed him the bag that said 15 oz and then the recipe that said 10 oz and then replied, "That's fine."

He then asked, "How many fines can I have?"

My hubby is so funny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those do look very yummy...and marshmallows are the best. friggin delish.