Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Birthday Swap

Stephen's birthday is six days before mine.

My birthday is six days after Stephen's.

This year we switched birthdays.

It was weird. BUT it was fun to try once. Just once.

Stephen made me breakfast in bed and changed Maycee's diapers all day. We had a picnic in the park and went to the Morrison Knudsen Nature Center.

Stephen got me the coolest present ever. An antique croquet set. It rained all afternoon. I didn't get to play until Sunday.

Here is an official invitation to anyone who wants to play croquet with us. I will whoop up in you. Unless I don't. Because I'm not that good.

Here are some pictures of us at the park.

Stephen's birthday also brought breakfast. AND we went to a park for lunch. Park lunches are definitely going to be a tradition. Red Robin for dinner and we were set.

I love our birthdays together.

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