Saturday, July 16, 2011

Indian River Part 2

Since we had such a blast in the Kuna River on Friday, Stephen and Shane wanted to take a go of it on Saturday. Shane, however, missed his opportunity because of a bad back. Darn those old football injuries!

Stephen decided to take Morgan along with him.

At the halfway point I waited next to the water for Stephen and Morgan to appear. After a few minutes I noticed that Maycee needed a diaper change.

We got back into the pickup and stripped her down. I reached into my diaper bag to grab my little bag full of wipes and diapers and found that it was missing. CRAP! It would be at least another hour before I could get home to get her another diaper.

We were going to have to test the limits of this diaper.

They appeared shortly after my diaper fiasco. I forgot to take pictures when they first took off and I didn't remember my camera at the half way point until Morgan had already left. SO here is Stephen taking off.

I patiently waited at this end point for the boys to appear. They did the first half very quickly so I figured they would get to the end sooner than I had originally calculated.

While waiting I took millions of pictures of Maycee playing with the rocks and the water. (Those are my legs and feet in the background.)

It wasn't until I looked at this picture that I realized that the rock was completely in her mouth. I panicked and got the rock out. BUT you can clearly see in one picture previous that her lips are fully enclosed on the rock.

This is where I started to panic. You can't see it very well, but this is a picture of Morgan in his kayak trying desperately to get a hold of Stephen's empty kayak. Apparently Stephen had rolled his kayak in the middle some rapids just a few hundred yards back and had fallen out of his kayak. From then on Morgan was chasing Stephen's kayak and this is where I saw him.

What seemed like hours later, but was probably only 10 minutes, Stephen showed up floating down on his rump with his oar.

Slowly but surely Stephen and Morgan got everything in the back of the pickup and we were driving home. Wow...I was a little fried after that one.

We got home quite a bit later than anticipated and Maycee's diaper was definitely pushing it's limit. I carried her over to the garage and entered our code. While the garage door was opening, I felt the damage. Maycee had peed down my shorts and leg and their was a puddle of "wet" on the cement.

Poor Maycee.

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