Friday, December 30, 2011

A Day in the Life of Maycee

I had to post these pictures of Maycee...isn't she so cute!  Today we wore our pajamas most of the day.  Those days are my favorites.

Picture #1:

Maycee is now a professional climber.


Anything she sets her mind to, she gets on.  It's a little nerve wracking.

She loves to climb into my rocking chair and read books.  I've caught her there a few times by herself and it is the cutest thing!

Picture #2:

Maycee totally fell asleep in her highchair this afternoon while eating her "pre-lunch snack".  Basically that means that I wasn't ready to feed her yet, so I distracted her tummy with crackers until I could feed her.  Apparently she was very tired.

What happened after this picture is the funny part.

I caressed my hand on her face and gently picked her up.

She immediately woke up and said, "craka, craka, craka" and proceeded to finish of the crackers that were on her tray.

That girl is so funny. 

1 comment:

Erin said...

THAT is a cute baby!