Friday, February 17, 2012

An afternoon at the park.

It has been 50 degrees all week.

I keep holding my breath thinking that winter will hit...eventually.

I guess that we should at least take advantage of what we have, when we have it.

Maycee and I went to the park today.

She learned to do the slide all by herself.  She would go in circles.  Climb stairs. Go down slide.  Climb stairs. Go down slide. etc.  She loved it.

You really can't tell, but she loves the swings.

Then she found the wood chips.  It was all fun and games until they ended up in her mouth.


Erin said...

This looks awfully familiar - Carolyn spent this last week doing the exact same thing!

~Kelsey and Nathan Taysom said...

HAHA I love the pictures Kami!!! She is adorable!!!