Friday, December 21, 2012

Feel Good

I love Christmas.

We made treats to take around to friends for Christmas.

We added Maycee's nursery leaders, Brother and Sister Bishop, to our list of people.

Maycee and I went to the door with our treat and knocked.  Sister Bishop answered the door and we handed her the treat.  She invited us in and we chatted for a minute.  I thanked Sister Bishop profusely for her and her husband being such awesome nursery leaders.  They have been working really well with Maycee in trying to stop her from pushing the other kids.

Sister Bishop said that she really enjoyed Maycee in nursery.

I told her that I was frustrated with her not getting along with the other kids.

Sister Bishop responded, "The reason Maycee has a hard time with them is because she has a lot higher IQ than any of the other kids. They cannot play with her the way that Maycee wants them too.  We really try to help her do things that are on her level.  She loves to play with clay and make snakes.  Last time she even built a snowman.  She's really smart!"


I was dumbfounded.  I didn't even know what to say.  I was so proud of my little Maycee!  I'm also very grateful to have a couple of nursery leaders that could see the potential in my daughter and help her to spread her wings.

We really do need other people to help us parent.

I've been so focused on her bullying that I haven't tried to figure out why it is happening.

Heavenly Father has given me people to help me out.

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