Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fun in the Sun

This winter has been the most depressing winter in the history of Kami winters.  I'm not kidding.  We have had an inversion in Boise since about Christmas.


Also, Boise is supposed to have very mild winters.  We have been in the single digits almost everyday since Christmas.  As a HIGH!  We have also had snow that has stuck around since Christmas.

Last night the inversion left.  AND today it is, like, 32 degrees!  It's like summer!  In light of this summer day, we went to the park.  It snowed all night last night and left us with about 5 inches of fresh, wet snow.  We pulled out the wagon and drug it around the subdivision.


As per our pictures, we enjoyed ourselves.  We needed to get out of the house.  I think we were all going to kill each other.

Yeah for our bright, sunny day!

1 comment:

Nicole Ray said...

I have to constantly remind myself that I will get blessed for making the effort cause I sure don't get much from church these days when you have kids and am always tempted to stay home!