Monday, August 26, 2013


I love having conversations with Maycee.  I wish I could write down every funny thing she says and show her when she grows up.  I'll say, "See!  You were the funniest little kid ever."


Last night we were outside enjoying the cool evening in the back yard.  Maycee ran up to the fire pit and touched the edge with her finger.

Kami: Maycee, we don't touch the fire pit.
Maycee: NOPE!  Because we put fire in it.
K: Yes, we put fire in it.

Maycee started to run in circles on the grass and talk in her 'sing-song' voice.

M: And we cook marshmallows in it....
K: Yep, we cook marshmallows in it.
M: And we cook hot dogs in it....
K: Yep, we cook hot dogs in it.
M: And we cook Daddy in it....
K: No, we don't cook Daddy in it!

Maycee stops running and looks at me.

M: Why don't we cook Daddy in it?
K: Because Daddy wouldn't taste very good.

Maycee then went on to ask about eating the rest of our family and then onto any random object that was in her sights.

That girl is funny.

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