Monday, October 21, 2013


Yesterday was church.  It doesn't start until 1:30pm.  Maycee was going ballistic.  She needed entertainment.  I decided to pull out the fingernail polish.  When we finished painting her toenails, we had a little conversation...

Maycee:  Mom?  Can I paint my toenails by myself?
Me: No, sorry.  Mom's not as brave as Uncle Kory and Aunt Krystal.
(Both of them have let Maycee paint her toenails by herself.)
Maycee: Mom!  You are brave like Uncle Kory and Aunt Krystal!!
I just laughed.

Later when I told this story to Stephen, he said, "Yeah right.  Kory and Krystal were 'brave' at your parents' house on your parents' carpet and furniture."

Good point.

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