Thursday, February 13, 2014

Preschool - T & Valentine's Day

Here is our letter T project from Tuesday.  Complete with little heart apples for Valentine's Day.

Snack time!  The kids were being goofy.  And all the kids wanted their pictures taken while being silly.


For our Valentine's Day Theme on Thursday we did the coolest project!  But because it was so cool, it was very time consuming and needed my constant attention.  So.  No pictures.

Each kid had two hearts that I put dots on for them to trace 'MOM' on one and 'DAD' on the other.  I then gave the kids a full sheet of paper and had them do this:

I cut out hearts that I had drawn on the back and stapled them to their 'MOM' and 'DAD' hearts and filled them with chocolate for their parents.  Turned out super cute.

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