Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Maycee has been talking about nicknames for a long time.  She doesn't really understand the concept of a nickname, but she asks for people's nicknames a lot.

Today Maycee asked, "What is Cooper's nickname?"

"I call him Coop, sometimes.  That would be a nickname for him,"  I said.

"What is my nickname?"  Maycee asked.

"Well, Uncle Kory calls you Mayonnaise. That's one of your nicknames."

Maycee yelled, "THAT IS NOT MY NICKNAME!"

"Then what is your nickname?" I asked.

"Angela Pyba."


I didn't even know what to say to that.  It took me two days to find out where she come up with the name.  Even then I was impressed.  We checked out a 'Fancy Nancy' book from the library that was read aloud on CD.  Angela Pyba and was the person who directed this particular book on CD.  Her name was the last one mentioned.

Maycee really pays attention.

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