Monday, May 12, 2014

Preschool Graduation

Preschool graduation.  It sounds weird.  Last Friday we had a party with the dads to celebrate the first year of preschool.  It has been so fun to watch Maycee learn new things.  She is SO smart!!!

The graduation was typical of the age group.  My favorite part was when they called up each kid to come and get their certificate.  Maycee was the last one called.  Every time a name was called, Maycee would begin her walk to the front.  She was called back every time.  When her name was finally called, Maycee just stood in back, oblivious.

Maycee is too cute.

We never got a picture of all six of them sitting their peacefully....  I know.  That was a ton of pictures.  But I love every one!

Here they are all lined up and ready to get their diplomas.

Maycee finally got her 'diploma.'  I didn't even get a good photo opp!

1 comment:

Shane and Krystal Skaar said...

yay Maycee!! You look so big.