Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Hair Dressers

Today I was downstairs doing the dishes when I realized that it was quiet in the house.

Quiet is never good.

At least when the children are awake.

I went upstairs and found this:

The 'hairdryer' is actually a bubble blower without the bubbles attached, but it really sounds like a hairdryer.  The scissors are to another doll of Maycee's that is just for looks.  They don't work.  Thank heaven.

After Cooper was done with Maycee's hair, Maycee said, "Okay Cooper, it's my turn now."

Then they switched.

I love that their 'phones' (Stephen and my old phones) are sitting next to them.  AND that they are 'reading' a book while getting their hair done.

My kids are hilarious.

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