Monday, December 29, 2014


Christmas Eve - We told the story of the birth of baby Jesus using cute little laminated pictures of the main characters.  Maycee really wanted to dress up like Mary while we did this, so I ran around the house until I found all of the following: (As an added bonus Maycee still had pizza sauce from dinner.  Why yes, Stephen did make his famous pizza for dinner!)

Here is our Christmas Eve box.

I surprised Stephen with his own pj's in the box.  Of course they were Batman.

Seriously.  I tried to get a picture of all three of them smiling in their Christmas Eve jams.  It did not happen.

Then we read our Christmas book, The Three Trees, then watched our Christmas movie, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.  The original.

Christmas morning was chaos.  We did Santa, then opened family gifts, ate breakfast, and were on the road to the farm.  We HAD to be there for Karli's Skype call!


Wow.  Did Mom and Dad have plans for Christmas Day.  They set up and obstacle course in Dad's 'castle'.  These pictures are really bad, but I still had to post them.

Check it out.

Maycee was a part of the orange group of obstacle course racers.

Sitting on the sidelines...

Lots of madness and chaos.  Christmas Day was the only day where we had all of us, so we had to pack it in.  We got there around 1pm.  Shane and Krystal left at 8pm.  The seven hours we had were fun.

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