Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Last night I made fish.

I've made fish twice since Stephen and I have been married. We've been married for 3.5 years. Fish scares me. Not the food, but the cooking. The last time I made it I burned it and it was very bland.

This time it was really good! I was very proud of myself.

Yeah for Kami making fish and it tasting good!

Maycee hated it! After three disgusted bites she finally put her whole fist in her mouth to pull out the pieces that she had not gagged down.

Don't worry Maycee...we'll try again!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Way to go on the fish, man!! I'm also scared to cook fish - it's a by-product of growing up as a rancher's daughter in a land locked state!