Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Maycee!

Maycee's birthday was on Monday.  I had everything planned perfectly.  Or I thought I had everything planned perfectly.

Before Daddy got home we played in our home made pool.  I was so proud of myself for thinking of this.

Isn't it so fun!?

When Stephen got home we loaded up the car and headed to the zoo.  Stephen got off of work early so that we could make it in time.  We sun-screened up and walked up to the entrance of the zoo.  It was 4:35.  Not kidding.  They closed at 4:30.



I knew that Maycee would love it.  Because it was going to be so hot I went and bought all of us little squirt bottles to periodically have water fights, filled up all of the water bottles that we owned, and brought enough snacks to last us two days.  I was SO prepared.


We ended up chasing squirrels in the park and squirting them with our squirt bottles.  And then each other.



Still very sad about not taking Maycee to the zoo.  We're going on Saturday.

Maycee loves Little Caesar's Pizza, so we got it for her birthday dinner.  It is also very convenient that it is only $5.

Stephen took numerous pictures while I was getting the pizza ready.


This one is my favorite.  You can't even see any faces, but Stephen was talking to Cooper and asking him to pull his head up.  Maycee was helping him do just that.

Maycee LOVES airplanes.  We had planed to get her a toy airplane, but they all looked super ghetto so I went with her second favorite.  Trains.

Her last present is my favorite.  Maybe because I can use it too.  I love having a toddler that you can buy toys for and then get some sort of benefit from...

A wiggle car!!!!  This thing rocks.

Maycee and I ride this thing together down our steep driveway and then coast down the sidewalk four houses down.  I'm yelling the whole way.  Wahoo!

Happy second birthday Maycee!!!  Mommy and Daddy love you!!!!

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