Wednesday, August 22, 2012

White Shirt

I've been on the search for a white button up shirt for Cooper to wear to church.  I searched all of my normal Boise stores and came up empty handed.  I finally found the object of my desire online with Old Navy.

In order for me to get free shipping I rummaged through their website for other things the kids needed. Pajamas for Maycee, church pants for Cooper, shoes for Maycee, and a white shirt for Cooper in the next size.

I was so excited when I saw a package sitting on my doorstep this afternoon.

I ripped open the package and made the kids try on their new things.

Cooper's white shirt was perfect!  I am so excited!!

After trying on the shirt, the next logical step was to try on the pants.  The size of the shirt is 6-12 months.  The pants were the same.  As I pulled out the pants I thought they looked huge.  As I put them on Cooper I was shocked.  They definitely did not fit.

The pants were two inches too long, which was fine, but then that waist just wouldn't allow for the keeping of the pants.  Cooper had to suck in for the pants to fit.

Poor Cooper.

Someday he'll be a linebacker.

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