Monday, July 8, 2013

The Kiddos

My kids make me laugh.  Sometimes they also make me bite my tongue, or make me run to my bedroom for my own time out.  BUT I love them SO much!!!!!!

1. Lexi Jo is now a favorite person in the Post household.  Maycee asks to go see her at least twice a day.  She hasn't gotten her name down perfectly yet.  Maycee says, "Mom, can we go see Juwee Wex?"

I reply, "You mean Lexi Jo?"

"Yeah, Wexi Jo."

2. Cooper can dance.  He's so cute!  He stands in one spot and bounces up and down and turns in a circle.

3. When we went to Cooper's doctor appointment, it was one of those hot days. 109 degrees.  As I walked the kids up to the door, we stopped at the sidewalk when we saw a huge grasshopper sitting on the ground.

"What's that?" Maycee asked.

"It's a grasshopper," I said.

"What's he doing?"

"He's resting...he's tired.  It's hot!"

I turned to grab Cooper's hand and heard a gross crunch sound.  I looked back at Maycee and saw that she had stepped on the grasshopper!

"Maycee!  What did you do?!"

"...I stomped him Mom."

I didn't even know what to say.

4. Ever since Maycee learned to open a door (thank you very much Kory Richard!!), Maycee has been unable to resist coming out of her room during nap time or bedtime.  We really tried everything to try and get her to stay in her room.  We found one thing that works.  We purchased a kid doornob attachment that makes it almost impossible for her to open the door.  Heck.  It's difficult for me to open the door with that thing on.

While going through the bedtime routine one evening, I forgot to put on the door attachment.  I put Maycee in bed, shut the door, and then walked over to Cooper's room to put him to bed.  As I walked out of Cooper's room and shut the door, I saw Maycee's door opened.  The door was just slightly ajar and Maycee's little face was poking out.  I could tell she'd been waiting for me.

"Mom," she said, "you forgot to put the door lock on."

I laughed so hard on the inside.  I do that a lot.  So as to not seem out of my mom character.

I put the attachment on and bedtime went as per usual.

The world could now rest in peace.  Everything was in it's place.

5. Cooper's little devil side is starting to come out.  At a full sprint.  He throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way.  And he hits.  Awesome.

6. Having a little copy cat around, I find out new things about myself.

While talking to Sister Augustine on her play phone, Maycee said, "I can totally do that."

I just laughed and didn't think anything of it.

A couple of days later I heard a new story about Maycee from Shane.  While the two of them were upstairs playing with all of the new toys, Shane pulled out a squeaky giraffe and said, "Look Maycee, it's a giraffe."

Maycee took the toy out of Shane's hands and said, "That is totally a horse."

After these stories and paying attention to myself I realize that I say totally all the time.  I need to quit talking like a teenager.

7. While at Winco we saw an Arabic woman dressed in full Arabic attire.  Maycee noticed her right away and shouted, "Look, Mom, it's Mary!"

My best guess is that she thinks it is Mary, the mother of Jesus.

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