Tuesday, April 26, 2011


So...Maycee started to crawl a week and a half ago. Yesterday she finally understood what it meant to crawl. Mobility.

She found the door stop. She just keeps pulling it. She loves the "twang" sound it makes. She finally got it off and was chewing on it.

While I was in the shower, Maycee found the plastic bag full of toilet paper next to the toilet. She somehow pulled the toilet paper out of the bag and unrolled a few feet of tp. She loved to crinkle it in her hands.

Finally she found my plants. She didn't even get to the dirt. She was too busy pulling the leaves off.

Honestly, I thought the whole thing was hilarious.

I'm sure after doing this for months on end, I won't think it is so funny, BUT here's to having fun with a mobile toddler!

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