Sunday, August 29, 2010

Country Music in Church

Today we had a musical number in sacrament meeting.

It was a violinist.

As she walked up to the stand with her violin in hand, Stephen whispered to me, "Do you think she'll play 'The Devil Went Down to Georgia'?"

...doubt it.

She didn't.

It's Official

I am a mom.

Thursday night was Maycee's bath night.

I stripped her down to her diaper and started the bath water. When the water was finished, I took off Maycee's diaper.

As soon as I took off her diaper, Maycee started to pee. Quick thoughts in my head, "I don't want to put her in the water because I just got it ready to bath her!" and "I'm too far from the sink to run her over there." and the final thought, "Oh well..."

I just let her pee all over my jeans.

When she was finished she decided that she needed to poo.

Seriously...I just laughed.

Like I said, I am a mom.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sleeping Beauty

Maycee has a limited number of things that she can do right now. One thing that she is very good at is sleeping.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

12 Day Checkup

On Wednesday, Maycee had her 12 day checkup. The doctor looked her over, took her temperature, checked her weight, measured her height, and poked and prodded 'til she screamed. You know, the normal things doctors do.

Newborns always lose weight after they are born. They are born with extra fat that they shed to help them get going. The doctor told me that the goal is to get them back to their birth weight at 2 weeks.

Maycee was born weighing in at 6 lbs 5 oz.

Maycee's weight at 12 days: 6 lbs 10 oz.

After her weight check the doctor said that she was looking good and my milk was definitely in and "doing her body good". Maycee had also grown 3/4 of an inch!

I called my dad to report the good news of Maycee's weight gain.

Dad's reply, "Wow Kam! You're like one of those jersey cows they feed the cream too! You're a good milker!"

I'm pretty sure that it is written in the famous book entitled, "What you should never compare women to", that a cow is number one on the list. My dad doesn't read much.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Person #1

Stephen and I have visited the lab at St. Al's numerous times. Our poor little one has to get her foot poked WAY too often for this darn jaundice thing...however we meet the most interesting people there...we will call one such person the diaper butt lady.

While visiting the lab an eighty-year-old lady walks up to Stephen and I and sees the car seat covered with a blanket. She says, "What are you hiding under there?"

Stephen and I replied, "A baby," as Stephen begins to uncover her and show her off.

The eighty-year-old lady begins to coo over the cute newborn and begins to involve two other old ladies sitting in the waiting room.

It is way fun having a newborn! People comment on how cute she is, how little she is, and generally make Mom and Dad feel great!

As our new eighty-year old friend goes in the back to have her blood drawn she says this to the nurse who was to take her blood, "You better do this right! The last guy didn't do such a good job!"

He he he...I love old people!

Person #2

Stephen and I frequent a local video store called 69 cent HQ. I know, crazy name.

When I was eight and a half months pregnant we went to this video store with Morgan and Jess. Upon arriving at this beloved store I felt the very urgent call of my bladder. I waddled into the store with Stephen and requested a bathroom. The workers immediately got this distressed look on their faces.

I was not allowed to use the bathrooms.

Instead I had to waddle all the way down to the other end of the strip mall to use the bathroom at Papa John's Pizza. Gggrrrr.

A few days ago Stephen and I again went to our local video store, with Maycee in tow, to find another movie. At the checkout, one of the workers said, "Hey, I remember you! You were the pregant lady who had to use the bathroom! Can we see you baby?...Aaahhhh she's so cute!"

I think that they were obligated to say that Maycee was cute because they turned me down for the bathroom. Granted, Maycee is the cutest baby ever, but these people saw Maycee when she was still in the oven cooking.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Details, details, details

The day Maycee was born was a roller coaster.

It began at 1 am on Friday morning when I awoke to go to the bathroom. On my return I had my first non-braxton hicks contraction. My contractions were roughly 11 minutes apart until 5:30am...then I fell asleep for 30 minutes, had another contraction, then slept for another 30 minutes, had another contraction, then everything stopped!

My contractions were so sporadic the rest of the day and I was so unsure of what was going on with my body that I didn't know what to do. At 3 or 4pm I called my midwife, Georgiana, to help me figure out what to do. She told me to take a warm bath and go for a walk to get the contractions more consistent. She said if it got more consistent to call the hospital and go in. She also said that I should take a nap because that night was going to be a long and eventful one. Unfortunately I could not go to sleep. I was so wired! My body was finally prepping for an event that Stephen and I had been waiting for for a long time!

A little after 6pm I had a contraction that lasted about 4 and half minutes. That put me into panic mode. I called the hospital to get more direction. They told me to come in and at least get checked.

We arrived at the hospital a little after 7 pm. We were put into a labor and delivery room. After being in our room for no more than 5 minutes, Georgiana walked in. Talk about speedy service...she was actually already at the hospital with another delivery.

I was so nervous for Georgiana to check and see if I was dilated. I was sure that she would check me and I would be dilated to a 1 and they would send me on my way. After being checked I was told that I was at a 7! Wahoo for Kami's body! We were then admitted and sent to walk the halls to get things moving along.

Stephen and I held hands and walked around the halls. We talked about how the next few hours would change the rest of our lives. Everything seemed so surreal. I couldn't believe that we were actually at the hospital preparing to deliver our first child. Stephen and I were about to become parents!

At 9pm I was dilated to a 9. Georgiana suggested that she break my water so that I would have enough energy to get that baby out, seeing as I had no sleep the night before. She did so and I was soon dilated to a 10 and began pushing. This was the part that was so unexpected to me. I was expecting pain, and there was, but I handled that fairly well, but the pushing sent me somewhere in a completely different realm. It was the most exhausting thing that I have ever experienced. There were a couple of times when I really didn't think I was going to be able to push her out, solely on the fact that I was BUSHED! I remember in the middle of that Georgiana looked at me and said, "You've made it this far in pregnancy. It would be so sad if you decided now to keep being pregnant." can do it, but you have to decide. At least that is how I took it.

One funny thing that happened while Maycee was working so hard to come into this world, caused her little mommy much pain. Just as her head popped out, Georgiana turned her around to help pull her out. Maycee had her hand right next to her face. In an effort to "help" climb out Maycee shoved her hand and elbow out, forcing my body to tear to give her room to wave her hand. She wanted to make sure her presence was known!

Maycee Donna Post was born that night at 10:48pm.

I don't even know how to describe in words what it felt like when they placed little Maycee on my tummy after she came out. She was flailing all over the place and I was in complete shock. It was really hard to believe that a real live person had been growing inside of me for the last nine months. I kept stroking her hair and face and fingers and toes. I was in awe. I couldn't believe that Heavenly Father had blessed me with one of his children. I knew right then that my life had changed forever.

We were moved at 2am to the post-partum section that had a double bed and a bassinet for little Maycee. The nurses that took care of us until we left on Sunday. The nurse that took care of us during the day on Saturday and Sunday was the nurse who taught us in our birthing class. She was so awesome! When I heard her voice in our room I was so excited. It was so good to see a familiar face taking care of us.

The entire time that we were in the hospital, Stephen took such good care of all of us. I didn't change a single diaper and Stephen always walked me to the bathroom and always made sure that I was comfortable. Stephen I LOVE YOU!!!

I was released on Sunday afternoon, but Maycee's bilireuben count was a lot higher than the pediatrician would have liked. They moved us to the pediatric floor on Sunday afternoon to stay an additional night to have Maycee bask in the blue lights to lower her bilireuben count.

That was the longest night of my life. We were moved to a room with a single bed, so Stephen had to sleep on the couch. I could not sleep without Stephen in bed with me and Maycee would scream every time I put her underneath the lights. SHE JUST WANTED TO BE HELD!!! However, Maycee found a way around that. The doctor told us to keep her under the lights at all times, unless I was feeding her. Maycee figured this out and I fed her for and hour and a half in one sitting that night! I think that she spit up everything that I fed her, but she did NOT want to be under those lights.

The next morning Stephen and I figured that we had not slept for more than 45 minutes that night. They released us and we were on our way home. We're stilll battling a bit with the bilireuben count and jaundice, but the doctors say that all will be okay.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy BIRTH day


Maycee Donna Post

Born: August 6, 2010

10:48 pm

6 lbs 5 oz

19.5 in

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Stephen's Wish

For the past three weeks, Stephen has been having the same conversation with baby.

He comes home from work and puts his lips right next to my belly and says, "Okay baby, you can come out now!"

The past few days the conversation has changed somewhat. He now says something to this effect, "Okay baby, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR! You can come now!!!"

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dear Little One Residing in my Belly,

Every year on the last week of July my family gets together for a family vacation. The goal of everyone present was to throw me into labor. Everyone figures that you have been in there long enough.

Day 1 began on Wednesday night when they threw me a baby shower. Lots of people came to give you presents that you would be able to use. I am very excited that there are so many people who already love you and you are not even here!

Day 2 was where the adventure really began. Your lovely Aunt Krystal, I think, designed this whole trip for your arrival. To set the precedence, Uncle Shane broke his arm the previous Tuesday. He wanted to make it a REALLY crazy week!

We started our fun at Roaring Springs. I LOVE water, and especially love water parks. Much to my dismay, your vacation spot and my bulging feet would not allow for too much fun to be had. Your dad and I only went on one slide together. You handled it like a dream. Maybe you'll like water as much as we do!

Two of the "rides" at the water park that I felt would be the most relaxing and easy to handle turned out to be the most stressful and uncomfortable things imaginable. The first ride was the "lazy" river. It was a stream the was full of inner tubes that you could float on around the water park. The first time around with your dad was the most fun. We lazed around without anyone posing any threat.

The next time we forged to the lazy river we took the entire crew with us: Grandpa and Grandma, Uncle Kory and Aunt Charisse, Aunt Krystal and Uncle Shane, Aunt Kelsey and Uncle Nathan, Aunt Karli and her friend Riley. (Aunt Karli has issues with being a third wheel) Grandma came out of that ride looking like a drowned rat. I think that she was under the water more than she was above! Aunt Krystal and Aunt Kelsey were like two kids in a candy store flipping over poor innocent family members with such glee! Poor Aunt Charisse was at the mercy of Uncle Kory. She came out waterlogged as well. Your dad protected us the WHOLE time! He made sure no one pushed me under any of the waterfalls, however, I was extremely anxious the entire time.

The second ride that turned out to be quite a roller coaster was the wave pool. My little abs were squishing you all over the place trying keep myself from running over all the little kids who were at the mercy of the waves without a tube! Your dad made sure to secure a tube for you and me to ride in.

Every time I was in the water I was in a tube. Everyone in my family learned how to get me out. Your dad would pull my arms while someone from behind would push the tube and me out of the water. It was actually quite smooth!

Day 3 was the craziest of all! We floated down the Boise River. That may not seem like such a bad thing, but it turned out to be very hectic. Your vacation spot made it impossible for me to be of any help whatsoever of getting around. Your dad figured out an ingenious way for us to float together. I was laying down in a two person raft by myself, while your dad rode in an inner tube with his legs on the back of my raft. He used the paddle from my raft to row us down the river.
Your dad and I originally thought that floating down the Boise River would be the easiest event of the weekend. We were VERY wrong. I think that your dad was dead after we went through that chaos. There were three little drop offs that we had to go through. On the first drop off I had Buster, Charisse and Kory's dog, with me. As we went down, Buster flipped out and tried to climb on my head as we got drenched with freezing, cold river water. Bbbbrrrrrr!

At one point in time we came across a bridge over the top of the water. Underneath was a sign that directed the floaters only go on a designated side of the bridge. Your dad and I were floundering, trying to get to the right side. At the last minute, your dad pushed us on the right side while he went on the wrong side. There was a whole bunch of concrete that he scraped across. Almost immediately after that, your dad caught up with us and we were pulled by the current to one side of the river with everyone else on the other side. Your strong daddy pulled us across that very strong current in very deep water to get us with everyone else. He was very tired!

We finally reached the end of the float and your dad had to lift us out of the raft. I could not move. As soon as I got up and started to move around, I began to have contractions. Floating the river made you want to enjoy it outside of my belly! The contractions continued, but never really progressed.

That night we all went to Jamba Juice.

I guess we missed Karli and Riley.

Jamba wasn't the part I wanted you to know, however. The following story will tell you what you are getting into with your dad and your aunt.

As we were driving home your Aunt Krystal was driving Grandpa's pickup and tailing your dad in our little Honda. Aunt Krystal was brighting us and doing anything to be obnoxious. We came to a rural stoplight that was red. When the light turned green your dad sat at the light. He was resolved to sit there 'til it was yellow until another car came to the same intersection wanting to go in front of us, so your dad decided to go while it was green. Aunt Krystal continued to bright us and honk her horn.

Coming up in our rear view mirror was a cop. He pulled over Aunt Krystal and then came for your dad. He pulled us over and asked us if the vehicle behind us was tailing us and honking and putting on their brights. He then asked if we had sat at the green light for a while.Your dad waited a couple of seconds and replied in the affirmative. The cop began to ask about road rage when your dad said that the vehicle behind us was the other half of our family. The police officer's attitude immediately changed to being amused and began to joke with us.

Your dad then asked, "When you go back can you tell them that we said we didn't know who they were?"

Mr. Cop replied, "I'll tell them that I'm going to have to drag them off to jail for questioning."

Two minutes later we were at our house laughing and waiting for the frazzled riders in the pickup. I still couldn't believe that we had gotten out of their without any tickets.

That cop rocked!

Little one...look at what you are getting into!

That night your dad and I walked around our subdivision talking about how we were prepared for you. I thought you were going to come that night because contractions just kept coming. After going to bed, however, everything stopped. I guess you weren't ready to come with that big of an audience.
Day 4 was the infamous canoe wars. It really looked like they all had fun. I sat on the beach. You and I really could not have done that one!

After the canoe wars, your dad and Uncle Kory took us on a ride in the canoe down the river. It was a lot of fun! You really were not a fan of the life jacket that we squished around you.

The vacation that was intended to bring your arrival ended with dutch oven potatoes, teriyaki, baked beans, and raspberry cobbler.

Little one, everyone is waiting for you!