In order to tell this story I must first preface it with another story.
I'm sure you'll catch on quickly.
Stephen and I decided that we were going to teach our children the correct terms for their body parts. No nicknames.
Maycee is very aware of her vagina.
A few weeks ago, she told us that her monkey had a vagina.
Last week Maycee was watching me change Cooper's diaper and pointed at Cooper's 'parts' and said, "Peeker's vagina!" Yes, she still calls him Peeker.
I said, "Cooper doesn't have a vagina. He has a penis."
Maycee skipped around the room saying, "Peeker has a penis". Over and over again.
On Sunday we were sitting quietly during the sacrament. Yes. The most quiet and reverent time of church when Maycee shouts, "PEEKER HAS A PENIS!!"
I was mortified. And secretly so very amused.
Maycee said it again. Loudly.
I then covered up her mouth. She noticed that she was getting a big reaction and repeated herself over and over again. I tried to hide my laughter as tears were running down my cheeks from laughing so hard, while my face was beet red from embarrassment. The row in front of us was cracking up, also trying to hide their laughter.
Maycee can't say Cooper, but she can definitely say penis.
After taking the sacrament Stephen took Maycee out and talked to her about reverence. He completely ignored what she had said and tried to teach her how we act in church. Stephen's good!
Maycee was brought back in to sacrament meeting without another incident.
Krystal wanted to make church even more exciting and gave Maycee a Listerine strip. In her defense she only gave her a quarter of one, but I still told her not to.
The instant Maycee put it in her mouth she tried to pull it out. Of course she couldn't pull it out! It had already dissolved!!! Dang you Krystal!
Maycee than began to yell. "I don't like that sticker!"
I took Maycee out to get her some water.
Thankfully, the rest of church was uneventful.
As an added bonus, however, the second counselor in the bishopric asked Stephen what we were laughing about during the sacrament.
This story will be everywhere.