Thursday, November 13, 2014

Potty Training - Round 2

In reality it is round 647 because, to be completely honest, Maycee still isn't 100% there.

BUT we have started Cooper.

I don't know if I have a lot more patience this go around or if Cooper really is more 'in tune' with his body parts.  I think it is probably a little bit of both.  I started Maycee way before she was ready.  My bad.

Yesterday was day 1.  We missed the toilet by 30 seconds about 5 times.  Either Cooper would tell me he had to go pee and was already peeing or he would tell me he'd have to pee, sit on the toilet for 2 seconds and then pee on the floor 30 seconds later.  My favorite thing is when Cooper sits on the toilet and doesn't immediately pee, he says, "It doesn't work, Mom!"

Cooper's 'pee alarm' is the sound of an engine revving up.  Every time he hears it, his eyes get big and he says in a whisper, "Whytning."  Or in normal words, Lightning, as in, Lightning McQueen.  He is super obsessed with that car, or any other vehicle with an engine.

Today in day 2.  Things are already looking up!  Cooper told me he had to pee, sat on the toilet, and started to pee.  Just a little.  Every time he would look at his penis to check out his progress, his little stream would stop.  After a few dribbles, Cooper got really excited and hopped off the toilet.  He picked out his sticker to put on 'Cooper's Potty Paper', stuck it on the sheet, then finished peeing on the floor.

Thirty minutes later, Cooper told me he had to pee, and we ran to the toilet.  Cooper sat on the toilet just a little bit longer, as per my request, and he finished emptying his tank.  Another sticker is on the board.

About forty minutes later Cooper told me he had to pee.  He refused to get on the toilet.  He threw a fit, so after his tantrum, he was sent downstairs to the time out chair.  Right when he got there he peed all over the floor.  Cooper totally gets it.  I just hope he figures out that he wants to pee in the toilet.

1 comment:

~Kelsey and Nathan Taysom said...

So I'm curious, what made you decide to start trying to potty train cooper now?