Monday, April 5, 2010

Deep in Thought

Two weeks ago I was laying on the table in the doctors office watching the ultrasound. I was amazed that there really was a little person growing inside of me! When the technician told us that it was a little girl, my eyes started to tear up. I was shocked! I was so sure that we were having a little boy that I hadn't even thought of a little girl.

As Stephen and I walked out of the office, I was so much more aware that we were having a baby. Knowing and seeing what was growing inside of me made it so much more real. Stephen and I are really going to be parents! I can't get over this.

Listening to General Conference this last weekend gave me a lot of comfort. Most of the topics that were brought up was on parenthood. This parent-thing scares the tar out of me, but I know that I won't be doing it on my own. I have a wonderful husband that has an amazing capacity to love. I also have a loving Heavenly Father that will help me. I can do this...WE can do this.


Lisa said...

CONgrAtS on the BABY GiRL!!! You'll be an awesome Mommy! Only about 8 weeks left until I meet MY baby GiRL! Bring on the PiNK!

Anonymous said...

I am still so so so so SO excited for you and Stephen! I can be an honorary aunt, right?