Thursday, May 30, 2013

Way to go Karli!

I bought another camera.

I was sick of being without one!

It arrived on our doorstep at 2:45pm on Friday.  We were supposed to leave for Karli's graduation at 2:30pm.  We left at 3.  Good thing, or else I would have missed my camera by fifteen minutes!  Then I would've been ticked off.

Anyway, we arrived at Karli's graduation at 6:30.  Thirty minutes early!  We had plenty more time to be late.  After the graduation we took a lot of pictures.

I love this picture.  Karli is trying to teach Maycee the art of taking goofy pictures. Maycee will get it...eventually.

Me and my cute, adult Karli.  Sniff, sniff. I totally made her take off her five inch heels for the picture.

We're getting Karli all practiced up for the kid picture when she gets married.  She's doin' great.  Boston is bawling.  Cooper is falling out of her arms and Maycee doesn't want to be in the picture.  Krystal's protruding belly can speak for itself.

This is all Cooper and Maycee wanted to do the entire time.

The morning after.

Maycee loves the tramp.  I think she's waving in this one.

 I don't know about this one, but Cooper looks thrilled.

I don't think Karli ever recouped from her all night party on Friday night.  We finally got her to open her presents around 10am.  Maybe it was 11.

Maycee wanted to help.  I don't think she cared about any of the gifts, however.  Another reason you know that you are an adult Karli!

Saturday was spent outside playing softball and volleyball.

Then enjoying a hot dog roast!

Good job Mom!


I spent most of Saturday by the fire.  I was cold!  That did not stop the sun from giving me a massive sunburn.  On Sunday my entire face looked like Rudolph's nose.


Here's proof that I actually played.

Kind of.

I think I just filled the needed 4th spot.

...I'm not very athletic.  Pregnant or not.

"The guys"

When Dad saw that we were taking pictures, he decided to make it memorable.


Check out Karli's awesome catch.  She totally caught that, by the way.

 I knew Krystal would make me look bad when she was pregnant.  She knocked those things out of the park.  Eight months pregnant!

See!  I actually hit the ball.  You can't see the ball, but I really did.

Dad and Stephen ran into each other trying to get the volleyball.  I think they were fighting over masculine dominance.

And Mommy and Cooper!

The rest of the weekend flew by, but we definitely enjoyed our time celebrating Karli's graduation.  Good luck girl!  You can now do anything.

1 comment:

~Kelsey and Nathan Taysom said...

Man I am so sad I missed that!