Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Happy Halloween (Part 3) - The Finale

On Halloween we surprised Stephen at work.  Of course we were in our costumes!  While there, we found one of Stephen's co-workers was also dressed as Wonder Woman.

Stephen was able to get off super early and we headed home for an evening of fun!  We made soup, dressed in our costumes, and got ready to go trick-or-treating!  Before we could head out the door, Krystal and Shane come over to show off their costumes.

Don't they look awesome!

Maycee and Cooper were also pretty amazed, they couldn't stop looking at them.

Holy Hannah!  I don't think we got one picture of all of us looking at the camera.  Such is life with kids, I guess.  After pictures, we headed out.

We made it trick-or-treating to two houses.  That's all the kids could handle.  So we turned around and walked home with each kid having 4 pieces of candy.  Considering they were still milking the candy from the trunk-or-treat, I had no problem with only 4.

That night we had visitors!

No luck at getting Avery to look at us and smile.

We did get a lot of trick-or-treaters!  I was super excited.  So were the kids.  Every time the doorbell rang or we had a knock at the door, both kids would clamor to get to where the company would be.  Maycee talked to all of the trick-or-treaters.  She would either guess what there costume was or ask what they were for Halloween.  That girl is so much more social than I ever was as a child.

Since I didn't have any good close ups of the kids in their costumes, I dressed them up again today and took them.

Oliver.  Adorable.  During the trunk-or-treat, Oliver was sitting in his car seat, just like this, next to Stephen, who was dressed like Batman, handing out candy.  The two power houses.

Cooper is the cutest Flash ever.  The night of the trunk-or-treat, he kept his mask on for a whole hour without complaint.  Everyone was very surprised.  Cooper hated that thing until we showed him what he looked like in the mirror.  Then he was good with his face attachment.

Then he got mad.

Check out this pose!  This girl is SO stinkin' cute!

Stephen and I worked so hard on Maycee's costume.  I bought the boots and skirt at a second had store.  Bought the shirt at Wal-Mart and added the stars and Wonder Woman symbol.  Got the rope/lasso from my Dad.  AND made the crown, belt, and bracelets.  I was so proud of that costume!

Stephen's work does a costume contest every year.  This is the first year that Stephen really did something.  Probably because he was Batman.  Anyway, at work he has a John Stockton doll that was given to him because of his love of the Jazz from a fellow Jazz fan.  The night before Halloween, Stephen brought home John Stockton and we dressed him up as Robin.  Here is the dynamic duo.

I don't have any close ups of my costume, but Stephen worked hard on that thing.  He made my mask out of foam.  My mace was awesome!  The handle was a cheap wood toilet plunger and the ball was painted styrofoam.  Stephen attached styrofoam spikes with screws that we also painted.

I was also proud of myself for wearing that thing.  Oliver was born 4 weeks previous to this and I put all of those tight clothes on.  Go me!

Well, another Halloween has come and gone.  Now on to the next major holiday!...Thanksgiving.

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