Tuesday, April 28, 2015

80 Degree weather in April

My children are taking full advantage of this summer heat in April.


Two of the children are.  Poor Oliver is taking a nap.  I'm sure he'll get his turn soon.

As soon as I pulled out the squirt guns, they forgot about the sprinkler.

Oliver is turning into quite the little jabberer.  He repeats a lot of the words that we say.  Most of the time it is really hard to understand, but he is figuring it out!  He also has his 'Batman' voice down.  I hear him jabber with his little gravely voice and I know he's speaking 'Batman'.

Ollie has also turned into another little garbage disposal.  I bought the kids fish sticks last week and figured I would give them a go.  Maycee and Cooper loathe them.  Ollie ate all of his share and well as the other two's.

Check out that picture of Cooper.  He is getting big!  He really is!!  We are working on him with pedals right now so he can master the two wheeler.  He conquered the Strider forever ago, so now we are ready to pull out the big guns.

Maycee is getting to be a good little helper.  She puts away the silverware and she even folds her own clothes!!  (They are so cute when she folds them.)  She loves having her room clean, but hates to clean it.  She also loves to 'read' books to her brothers...aka she recites the memorized books to them.  I also caught her getting the boys dressed a couple of weeks ago!  Soon, I will be out of a job...fingers crossed. ;)

Maycee just came running into the house and yelled, "Mom!  Mom!! I just found your Costco card with your picture on it buried in the sand box!!"

Sure enough.

I didn't even know that thing was missing.

I don't even want to know...

Things around here are pretty crazy.  I can't even tell you with what.  Life, I guess.

I just finished a beast of book.  Atlas Shrugged.  It taught some really awesome principles about business that I think our country has lost sight of, however, there were also some parts of the book that had some intricate detail that I didn't need....I am now reading Up To Slavery.  Totally different direction.

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