Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mother's Lounge Chit Chat

I never realized how much of a party it was in the Mother's Lounge until I had Maycee. The mom's in there are SO funny and they talk about everything. No holding back in the Mother's Lounge. For those of you who don't know, the Mother's Lounge is a room at church designated for breast-feeding mothers. even sounds fun.

This afternoon I was in there with two other women. Michelle and Debbie.

Michelle and Debbie were both commenting on how they could tell how heavy their children where just by looking at them. Both went on to express how difficult it was to remember the birthdays and weights of all of their children. Michelle has eight children. Debbie has seven children.

I have one. Count them, one.

For the life of me, I couldn't remember how much Maycee weighed when she was born.

As soon as Debbie finished feeding her little one, she bade us farewell.

I looked at Michelle and said, "I can't even remember how much Maycee weighed when she was born..."

Michelle said, "Wasn't she 6lbs 5 oz, or something like that?"

I responded,"....Uh yeah...It think you're right."

Michelle was in the hospital the same time I was, having her little one. They were three hours apart. Apparently Michelle now remembers nine children's birth weight.

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