Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Picture Hog Hair Cut

Cooper received his first haircut last night.

Maycee refused to let me take a picture of Cooper without her.  It was really funny.  Every time I would pull the camera out and bring it up on Cooper, she would run over and put her arms around Cooper for a "cheese" picture.  It was hilarious.  I tried a few times without success.

I'm warning you now.  There are a ton of pictures.
Here are Cooper's (and Maycee) before:

It really didn't take me long to cut.  Stephen laid Cooper on his lap over the garbage can and I cut it with a pair of scissors.  At first Stephen would hold his head still and Cooper fought him the whole way.  The instant Stephen let go he just sat still and relaxed.  No biggie.

Here are Cooper's after pictures.  I can't believe that it took me so long to cut his hair.  He looks so handsome!  I thought it might look a little funny, but he is so good looking.  Go Cooper!

And of course, the picture I like the best will not turn the right way.  Gggrrrrr.

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