We drove to Logan and met Kory and Charisse at the jet ski rental place. Woot woot! We said our hellos and we were off to Bear Lake. The water of blue...it's SO pretty!
While Mom and Dad and Karli drove the jet ski's to the lake, Kory and Charisse followed while Stephen and I stopped at a local park while I fed Cooper. After Cooper finished we stuffed ourselves back into the car and headed on the long, windy road through the mountains. With Stephen at the helm we were off. Not even 20 minutes into our trip we passed a police officer who whipped around and pulled us over. Right after we saw to cop we saw the speed limit sign that read "40".
We were not going 40. The police officer informed us that we were going 63, but he clocked us in a 55mph zone. Phew. That could have been a lot worse. He took Stephen's license and registration and walked back to his police car.
The most agitating moments are when you are waiting for a police officer to come back to your car and tell you if you are being convicted or not. While we were waiting for Mr. Police Officer to come back I suddenly remembered something...."Wasn't this the year we were supposed to renew our driver's license?" I quickly pulled out my driver's license because Stephen and my own would expire 6 days apart. Sure enough, mine had expired June 24, 2012. That also meant that Stephen's had expired June 18, 2012.
As the officer walked back to the car he turned to me and asked, "Mam, do you have a driver's license?"
I cringed and replied, "...Mine is expired too."
You could tell that the police officer was a little unsure of how to proceed. He asked us where we were from and we knew we had no way of getting our license until we got home. In the end he didn't give us a ticket. PHEW!!! But as he left he said, "I am going this way," he pointed the opposite direction from where we were going, "don't get pulled over again because you are not supposed to be driving."
And he left.
That guy was SUPER nice. I think that we were saved by our two children in the back and also the fact that we were in Utah and had no way to get a new license for a few days.
We continued on to Bear Lake. It is such beautiful water! And I didn't get any pictures.
I know, worthless.
Just know that the jet skis were great and we had fun playing in the sand and the water to our little hearts content.
After the lake we drove to our camp. It just happened to be about an hour away. Apparently Kory's only job in planning this vacation was to get a campsite. He just didn't realize that the campsite he had purchased was in Preston, ID.
We got into camp around 9:30pm. Maycee was conked out. We woke her up to feed her hot dogs and hot chocolate and then she was out. Unfortunately in order for her sleep induced coma to come on both mom and dad had to be sleeping next to her. I am not a fan of sleeping next to my child.
The next morning Cooper woke up at 5am. Maycee woke up a 6:30am. Too early.
Here's Maycee with her early morning 'I don't want the camera to look at me' pose.
You can see the hot chocolate all around her mouth because of her binky.
Nathan getting a start on breakfast. It was good. Yum.
I'm so tired! You can totally tell by my picture.
And that, my friends, was all of the pictures that I took on our camp out. Friday morning was the only thing that I picture documented.
After breakfast it started to rain. We all found our shelters and held out 'til it cleared.
We found ourselves again in the cars to go to Minnetonka Caves. I was super excited about this one. I LOVE spelunking. As we were driving up the mountain there were a ton of cars coming down. Once we got to the top we saw a large population of people who also thought that it would be fun to go to the Minnetonka Caves. It was a little after 12 when we pulled in and one of the tour guides told us that we wouldn't be able to go through the caves until 3:30 or 4. WHAT!? We decided to ditch the caves and go for milkshakes.
The Call clan ended up in Paris, ID eating Kory and Charisse's amazing fajitas in a local LDS church parking lot. We then filtered to a park where everyone proceeded to send Maycee down these suicidal park slides. They were so steep! Stephen and Nathan worked on making themselves as sick as possible while Kory turned them in the merry-go-round.
We toured the tabernacle in Paris, used the potties, then high tailed it back to camp where I totally got my s'mores. THANK YOU! It seems like every time we plan to have s'mores it never happens. But it did this time!
Saturday morning Stephen and I made breakfast for everyone and then we packed up camp and headed off to Lava Hot Springs Pool. Wow. I. Was. Dead. I cannot believe how tired I was. We all parted ways after Lava and the Post Family headed back to the farm for one more night away from home.
Maycee had been riding everywhere with Mom and Dad and Karli. Consequently when we reached the farm my dad begged for us to leave Maycee with them. I was going to be driving back to the farm on Thursday while Stephen was at scout camp. My initial reaction was "No way!", but Stephen pulled me aside and said that it would be good for all parties involved. So we let her stay.
Lonely mommy.
Not so lonely Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Karli.