Sunday, July 1, 2012

Twin Falls

On Saturday, Stephen had a temple baptism trip with the youth.  We all decided to come with him and make a day in Twin Falls.  IT WAS A BLAST!!!!  I love doing things with my little family.

We dropped Stephen off at the temple and Maycee and Cooper and I walked around the temple grounds.  It was really amazing to watch Maycee catch on to everything that I was teaching her.  She already knew what the temple was right when we drove up.  I talked to her about the angel, Moroni, being on top of all of our temples.

After the temple I took the kids to do some errands and then went back to pick up Stephen at the temple.

The four of us went to lunch at Chili's and then headed off to Dierkes Lake.  I LOVE that place!  I've been going to that lake since I was a little girl.  It was really neat to watch Maycee learn to swim with her little floaties in the water.  She was so excited!

I stayed in the "little kids" section with Cooper in his floatie.  A whole bunch of little kids, about 5 years old, continually crowded either Stephen or me when we were with Cooper.   They were all cooing over him.  It was so cute.

At one point in time, Stephen was with Cooper while I was off with Maycee.  The little kids kept asking Stephen, "Where is his mom?  How come she isn't here?  Where's his mommy?"

I got a kick out of that one.

After the lake we stopped at Shoshone Falls.  It is so pretty!

We stopped at Wendy's for dinner and water.  Maycee was starving and thirsty.  The car ride from the falls to Wendy's was about seven minutes.  Maycee fell asleep.  I tried to wake her up by calling her name after we got some food for her.  She wouldn't budge.  I gently shook her legs, but she stayed asleep.  When I told her I had water and food for her she woke right up.

Maycee knows what is worth being awake for.

She was starving.  She ate 5 chicken nuggets and all of her french fries.

The food gave her enough energy to stay awake the whole two hour ride home.

We had so much fun!  What an awesome day in Twin!

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