That girl is hilarious.
I love to watch her spunky little personality pop out...everywhere.
I'm forgetting to write down all of these neat little things that she says and does, so here is a boat load:
1. A few weeks ago we went to Diary Queen with Kenna and Marc. On our way out a couple who was just coming in to the restaurant opened the door for us. Just after Maycee walked out of the door she turned to the couple and said, "Thank you!" and proceeded to walk to the car. This was unprompted. The couple was quite flabbergasted. They looked at her and said "You're welcome!" That was a proud mommy moment.
2. On Thursdays, the trash is picked up by the garbage trucks. Maycee loves to watch them. This past Thursday Maycee and I bundled up (because it is now stinking cold!) to watch them outside. After we watched them 'do their thing' we walked back into the house. Maycee turned to me and said, "Mom, that was cool."
3. Maycee pushed Cooper off of the couch. After she hugged him.
4. After church today, I strapped Maycee into her car seat and she said, "Thank you very much, Mom. I love you."
5. Right now Maycee is supposed to be in bed asleep, but she is talking to herself and singing.
6. Maycee found a new toy. Or should I say, old toy. Cooper's almost weighs the same as her...who cares, right?