Monday, September 9, 2013

My mom loves me.

So...this past weekend, Stephen went to a nerd convention.


A nerd convention.

He and his brother, Brandon, bought tickets and attended Salt Lake City Comic Con.  Aka, a comic book convention.  Stephen and Brandon are obsessed with Batman.  It has led them to other loves, and thus, the comic book convention.

Because I was 8 months pregnant, I begged my mom to come stay with me while Stephen went on his  hiatus from real life.  Mom agreed and a weekend of shopping and canning was planned.  Shopping and canning.  Those two words don't really go together...but we did them.

We shopped for all things decoration for Mom's downstairs wall.  That's going to take a while.

We also canned a ton of peaches.


You Rock.

Thank you for entertaining me and helping me out.  I don't know what I would do without you.

And because Krystal likes squished people pictures, here we are during canning.

I can't believe we got us all in there.

1 comment:

Shane and Krystal Skaar said...

I sure hope it's mom's upstairs wall we are supposed to be working on....