Thursday, February 27, 2014


It drives me crazy that Maycee and Cooper love to be on top of Oliver all the time.  A lot of times I try to place him out of reach.  With all of this crowding I know that they really love him and just want to be around him.

They are so cute together.

Monday, February 24, 2014


Maycee and Cooper love Lexi.  We watched her on Sunday night and those two could not get enough of her.

Lexi has been crawling since she was 6 months old.  Maycee thinks that since Lexi has been performing in such a manner that Oliver should as well.  Anytime that Oliver in laying on the floor, she rolls him over to his stomach and pushes on his bottom.  She says that she is making him crawl.  Poor Oliver.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Ollie Bollie

Stephen loves to do tricks with the kids.  It starts at a pretty young age.  About three months.  Oliver at nearly 5 months, however, has been quite stubborn in allowing his dad to perform tricks with him.  Rather than locking his legs and standing, Oliver prefers to stay seated.  This is normally how Stephen's trick works with Oliver.

For a few precious seconds while the camera was quickly on hand, we got documented proof that Oliver will stand.  If only for a brief camera moment.  Go Ollie!

Friday, February 21, 2014

This is what happens when Mommy and Maycee are gone.

Stephen really wanted to get Cooper to push Oliver in his dump truck.  It didn't really work out.  But I love the picture.

Mommy & Maycee Date Night

I really need to start taking my camera on our date nights.  This girl cracks me up.

The third Thursday are official Maycee date nights.  One month it's Daddy's turn and the next it is Mommy's.  For our evening of events, we went shopping!!  Every little girls dream, right?  Maycee really needs some new clothes.  She's growing like a weed.

While in the car, going to one of our destinations, Maycee says at a stoplight, "Holy cow!  That's a lot of lights."

I turned to my left and saw a car lot.  She proceeded to ask me everything she could think of about the car lot.  "What do they do there?  Is that your car lot?  Is that my car lot.  Is it that cars lot?"

At the mall we stopped at the indoor kiddo playground.  Maycee immediately attached herself to a little girl close to her age that was wearing a princess sweatshirt.  "Who's on your shirt?"  She asked the little girl.  To get a better look, Maycee grabbed her sweatshirt.  That's when I intervened.

To end our evening we got ice cream.  Maycee had her own bowl of strawberry ice cream while I had a bowl of brownie a la mode.  She chugged that stuff.  I warned her to slow down.  Half way in to her ice cream Maycee stopped.  Her eyes started to flinch and she began to whimper.  She pushed her ice cream away and shivered.

"Maycee, that is called an ice cream headache.  That's why we are supposed to eat ice cream slowly.  Do you want to take the rest of the ice cream to the car?"

Maycee nodded and I started to get up to leave.  Five seconds later she pulled the ice cream back and again began to shovel.

Date nights rock!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Oliver's 4 Month Checkup

I really don't like it when my kids have to get shots.  They really do well, but I still don't like to watch them in pain.  Poor Ollie!

16 lbs - 47th Percentile
25 in - 22nd Percentile

Green Juice

Last night we made Green Smoothies for Family Home Evening.  Maycee loves them.  Cooper doesn't.  I saved Cooper's in the fridge.

This morning Maycee asked if she could have some green juice.

I replied, "Fine, you can have Coopers."

Maycee drank the smoothie and then asked again, "Mom, I want the green juice."

"Maycee, I already gave you the green juice.  I don't have any more green juice.  You drank it all."

Maycee walked over to the fridge and opened the door.  She pointed to the top shelf and said, "I want that green juice."

That green juice she pointed to was the lemon juice.  At first I was going to tell her no, but then I thought better of it....

"Sure.  You can try the green juice."

I pulled out one of Maycee's cups and poured a tiny bit of juice into the bottom of the cup.  I handed the cup to Maycee and watched the scene unfold.  She slowly lifted the cup to her lips and drank a little bit.  Her body visibly shuddered and she pulled the cup away from her lips.  She puckered.

"Maycee, how was your juice?" I asked.


"Do you want some more?"  She hadn't even finished the little bit that was in her cup.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.  That was fun.


Lookie who fell asleep under my chair while I was blogging.

Monday, February 17, 2014

President's Day

I love it when Stephen has a holiday that isn't super celebrated.  We did SO much!  Including switching bikes.  Cooper is now the proud owner of a green strider bike.

Maycee is now the proud owner of a red Huffy.  (Don't tell her it's supposed to be for a little boy.  Another awesome hand-me-down.)  She is really excited!

Maycee had that Strider bike down.  She could balance all over the place.  We figured that it was time to see if she was ready for the pedals.  Mostly she sat on the bike and just pushed herself along with her feet.  After a while she put one foot on the pedal and then fell over.  She started to cry and ran to 'mom'.  This is definitely going to be a different parenting challenge.  We hit these new stages all of the time.  This is an ever-changing job that I will never get figured out...


It was SUCH a nice day out.  Don't worry, winter is supposed to come back on Wednesday....

Sunday, February 16, 2014

I Heart V-Day

I really do love Valentine's Day.  I was telling my mom this the other day and she replied, "Well, you didn't like it when you were growing up!"

My response to her was that I still secretly loved it, but didn't have an outlet to share it.  For example, when I was in college, my roommates and I dressed in all black on Valentine's Day then made and handed out "I Hate Valentines."  I still loved it.

I'm really sad that I didn't get more pictures of everything, but it was quite a crazy day.

I requested that Stephen not leave for work until 9am and then he was supposed to leave at 4pm.

I woke up at 5:45 am to heart attack Stephen's car.  I covered the bottom half of his car in pink and red hearts.  The back window I covered in those window sticker thingies.  On his steering wheel I put red curls that you wrap gifts with.  I also blew up a ton of red and pink balloons to cover his car.  To top it all off I put his favorite Reese's Peanut Butter Hearts on his seat.

For breakfast we had egg toast, but special.  I let Maycee use a little heart cookie cutter to cut out the hole in our bread and then added the egg.  We also had a purple smoothie that we slurped with cute white straws decorated with little red hearts.

Stephen left promptly at 9 to find his second surprise at work.  I was so proud of myself!  On Thursday I secretly drove to Stephen's office and left him these cookies with his co-worker with instructions to have them on his desk when he got to work at 9:30am on Valentine's Day.

Yep, stole the idea from Pinterest.  Love that thing.

That afternoon we had our Preschool Valentine's Day Party.  We were supposed to bring Valentines for the other kids.  Since there are only six kids in the group, I decided to make the Valentines rather than buy a package of 32.  OR actually have Stephen draw the Valentines.  Maycee got to pick what Stephen drew.  At least she got to pick for the four girls.  Stephen picked for the little boy.  This is what he came up with.

Stephen is very talented.  And he said he would never draw princesses.  Maycee totally changed his mind.

I was really nervous for Maycee to take these pictures to preschool because she loved them so much.  I wasn't sure if she would really be able to give them away.  The night before she had decided who each princess went to, but I was still unsure.  As Maycee ran into the Zwygart's house for the party, she yelled, "EVERYONE!!  I HAVE A PICTURE FOR YOU!  THEY ARE PRINCESSES!!!!"  When it was time to give them out, she ran up and gave each picture to the person she had assigned them to.  It was so cute.

Making Valentine's boxes.

Playing memory with kisses.


Making heart pizzas

Decorating cookies.


And Cooper with the ladies.

It was such a cute little party.  I love preschool!!

When Stephen got home from work he made more pizza with a huge pepperoni heart.  It was a darn good pizza.  That is Stephen's specialty.  I also made some fruit shiskabobs (I have no idea how to spell that and neither does my spell check.) cut out in little heart shapes.

Stephen got his final present before dinner.  Another Pinterest gift.  Again, love that thing.

Because I am a slacker parent I forgot to give my children their Valentines.  And we didn't get to make our treat.  SO we made it a Valentine's weekend and continues to do Valentine's Day until Sunday.  On Saturday we gave the kids each a package of Starbursts and Maycee requested a picture of Mulan and she was granted her wish.  Stephen did an awesome job.  On Sunday we made these:

Mine didn't look this good, but since I didn't take pictures, we'll pretend they did.  I just melted white chocolate, added some food coloring and sprinkles and we were good to go.  Awesome marshmallow snacks.  I could do this for every holiday with different sprinkles and colors!