Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Call Farms with a few Posts

Stephen and I have been trying to find a way to see Brandon and Mitzi without having to drive the seven hour journey to Spanish Fork.  We thought we found the perfect option.  The farm!  After all, Mitzi is my cousin before my sister-in-law.  My parents are her Aunt and Uncle!  Perfect right!  And the farm is almost smack dab in the middle for both of us.

We met at the farm on Thursday night and stayed until Tuesday afternoon.

We had a blast!

Thanks, Mom and Dad, for letting us bombard you!!!

The first night we were there, Shane and Krystal made a pit spot at the farm on there way from Wyoming back to Boise.  All of the kiddos enjoyed playing in Grandma's super-cool pool.

Mitzi learned to ride a motorcycle.  She is now a professional.  Just ask her.

I can not get enough of Alex's diaper butt!  Those diapers can soak up water like nobodies business....

We hiked out to the potato fields to dig us some taters.

Then Mom and Dad made us amazing Dutch Oven dinner with, said potatoes.

These three girls were inseparable the entire time we were together.  Beth, Maycee, Sam.

I took Oliver on his first motorcycle ride.  I don't know why it has taken so long for Ollie to get his first ride.  I think whenever we go, he is always down for a nap.  WELL!!  He sure got it this time!  He's the first kid to actually look like he enjoyed it.  He jabbered happily the entire time.  It was so cute!

The last night we were at the farm Stephen got the telescope at my parents' up and running.  It was really neat to see the moon through that telescope.

Brandon and Mitzi left on Tuesday morning and we hung around a few more hours.  If we hadn't I wouldn't have been able to see this:

Dad was very definitely stuck.  Took him a bit, and another vehicle, but he got out.  It's funny how the little mundane farm things are so fun now that I don't live here.

Farm life.  Thanks for letting us be a part of it for a few days, Dad and Mom!

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