Saturday, March 7, 2015

Quotable Quotes


Last night we were driving past the sugar beet factory.  The kids were asking questions about "that crazy building".

Kami: "That is the sugar beet factory.  Grandpa grows sugar beets on his farm."

Maycee: (think of a 4-year-old voice in disbelief.) "Grandpa grows sugar?"

Kami: "Yep! Grandpa grows sugar beets that he sends to these factories that turn them into sugar."

Maycee: (complete excitement) "HUH!!  Does Grandpa grow cupcakes?!?!!!!"

I got a really good laugh out of that one and then immediately called my dad.  I have to share my kids' cuteness, of course!


Tonight I was talking to Cooper about his birthday the next day.  He will be a whopping three years old.  That is weird.  Anyway, this is the conversation that ensewed.

Kami: "Cooper!  Your birthday is tomorrow!!  How old will you be?"

Cooper: "Four."

Kami: "No.  Right now you are two.  What comes after two?"

Cooper: "Um. Seven?"

Cooper, Cooper.


AND finally, this is what happened to Oliver tonight while I was taking care of the other two kiddos upstairs:

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