Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Partay

I LOVE Halloween. I actually really love holidays, period, but I especially love Halloween because I never really got to celebrate it growing up. With my parents in the farming business, harvest came first...therefore no Halloween. I do, however, remember one year that we finished harvest early and so we got dressed up and went trick-or-treating to a few members of our church. Because of the person that my Dad is, we could only go to as many houses as we had homemade apples pies to give in return...I know it sounds weird, but it's my Dad. (Exit random detour)

This year I threw a 'bomb-diggity' party. Seriously, it was that fun! My original party list included twenty-four people and we ended up with sixteen. I think that it was a pretty good turn out.

With it being Halloween, of course I threw a costume party. It took Stephen and I several weeks before we were finally able to agree on a costume. Here's the picture. Let's see if you can guess. It should be quite obvious.

Yep. Mario and Luigi. Isn't it really clever? Stephen came up with it. When we bought the green hat it had a Boston Red Sox logo on it. I took my seam ripper and tore it right out. Krystal was really excited about it. Dang Yankee's fan. Stephen cut these logos out of felt and I hand stitched them on there. Don't they look cute?

This is Bob and Sara. Aren't they the greatest Raggedy Ann and Andy? Sara said that she got these costumes from her grandparents. They dressed up every year and this was one of their costumes.

Shane and Krystal. Surgeons. Krystal walked into my kitchen and poured Tabasco sauce on her outfit so it looked like blood. That didn't work so I gave her the ketchup. In the picture she is actually holding a serrated knife. That just sounds disgusting.

Jeff and Amanda. This one was hilarious. If you look real close you can tell that Amanda is pregnant. Pregnant nun. Jeff's arms seriously looked like they had tattoos. I had to touch his arm to see if they were really fake. It was kind of like nylon. They looked great.

Jeremy and Meg. Crazy biker dudes. Jeremy's hair was way awesome. I seriously love the jackets.

Marc and Kenna. When I opened the door to let them in I was so surprised...Kenna had a real rabbit. The magician and his assistant. Marc said that the suit he was wearing was his Dad's wedding suit. If you notice, the pants are high water and his jacket had polka dots. I really want to see his parents wedding pictures.

Here's a close up...of the bunny.

Michael and Grayson. They came dressed as.......themselves.

Morgan and Jess. Dog the Bounty Hunter and his wife Beth. I was so shocked when I opened the door and saw their costumes. They looked hilarious. I couldn't believe how they totally pulled it off.

We had a costume contest and gave away the greatest prize...a twenty dollar gift certificate to the Edwards Movie Theatre! And the winner is...........Dog and Beth!!!

We started the party with a game of pictionary. We had everyone come up with words and put them in separate bowls and played boys against girls. Some of the things that we had to draw were incredible, if that is the right word for it. Some of the examples are: Bean with Bacon Soup, Burn Victim, Roller Derby, etc. Crazy words, crazy people. I really don't want to say this, but the boys won.

After pictionary, we had a break for the wonderful goodies. Stephen made the really awesome smoothies. I froze whipped topping in the shape of ghosts and them put them on top of the smoothies. The looked really cool and I'm sad I forgot to take a picture of it. I made a bajillion cupcakes that had cute orange and chocolate frosting with cutie patotie Halloween sprinkles. I also made WAY to much nacho cheese dip. So if anyone wants to come over for nachos, I have a ton.

We then had a rousing game of Upset the Fruit Basket. I'm not going to explain the game, but it is way fun. I LOVE parties! We then announced the costume contest winner. A lot of the couples left after that and then we chatted and played Catch Phrase. It was a fun time! Thanks for all of you that came!!!


Charisse and Kory said...

Ahhh! That sounds so fun! I wish we could have come, you are so creative!

Melanie said...

I loved all the costumes. It looks like you had a great time.