Thursday, March 4, 2010


Stephen had his last basketball game last night. It was the best game to watch them play. They really kind of beat on the other guys, but you could tell that they were all just having a blast out there playing their hearts out. Great season guys! Congratulations to the Dharma Initiative. (Yes, that was really their team name. Stephen thought of it. If you don't understand this you are missing out on a whole new world.)

On a funny side note, I just have to mention this one little thing.

As I got to the basketball game, I lumbered to my seat on the top row and sat down. Stephen's boss, who we are really good friends with, came in a couple of minutes after us. He asked if I would hold his keys and cell phone. I said yes. As he walked away, a little boy walked up to me and said, "Is he your friend or is he your life? And by life, I mean married."

I tried really hard not to laugh and pointed at Stephen, "Nope he's my friend, I'm married to that one."

The little boy jumped down the bleachers until he was right next to Stephen and yelled up to me, "This one in the green shirt!"

"Yep, that one."

You got that right, Stephen is my life.

1 comment:

Jamie Harmon said...

That's so funny, Kami! I love the crazy things kids say