Saturday, December 24, 2011

Feeling Adventurous

I am Cheap.

So much so that I am willing to put my hair on the line.

It's not so much that a hair cut is super expensive, but during this Christmas season I would much rather spend my money on something else.

I have been begging Stephen for the last month to cut my hair.  He has been very reluctant.

Last night was Stephen's first try as a "hair cutter person".

He hesitantly raised the scissors to my head and asked how much to cut.

I said, "I want to cut off an inch, so just to be cautious cut a little less than an inch so when you even it out, it will be an inch."

"Um...ok," was Stephen's reply.

The scissors began to cut across my back.

Honestly, I knew what I was getting myself into.  When I was in college I was so broke.  I remember having 12 cents in my checking account once...but I never bounced a check.  Therefore, anyone who was willing to take a pair of scissors to my head I let cut my hair.

Back to he raised the first lock of my hair that he had cut, my eyes grew wide.  I realized right then that if I panicked, Stephen would never do anything like this again.  I calmly said, "That is actually three inches, but you're doing great!  Keep going!"

I could feel his fear begin to subside as I calmly talked him through the hair cut.

He actually did a really good job!

We both made it out alive.

My hair is now missing a little over three inches, but I'm pregnant.  It'll grow back fast.

1 comment:

Joe said...

We would love to see an "AFTER" picture of the haircut... I'm sure Stephen put his heart into it... he always does when it comes to his two ladies!!! We sure do love you guys!!!