Friday, December 2, 2011


This morning I was talking to my mom and dad on the phone.

We talk a lot.

I told them how grateful I was for a sister in our ward who just gave me more clothes for Maycee up through 24 months.  She also gave us a little scooter and a two kid's really nice.

My dad replied, "You must pay your tithing!"

I didn't even think of that.

Ever since I was a little kid, my parents taught me to pay a 10% tithing on any of my income.  I remember being little and learning how to write and filling out my tithing slip and putting a dime in there because my grandpa had given me a dollar.  There were a lot of instances like that.  I have never really thought of paying tithing as a burden, even though there have been times when it was very tight.  I just did it.

Today my dad helped me recognize the blessings.

Stephen and I have been very blessed.

Thank you Dad for helping me see!

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