Tuesday, March 6, 2012

18 Month Checkup

Maycee had her 18 month checkup yesterday, even though today she is 19 months.

It was an eventful checkup, though there were no shots given.

22.28 lbs - 15th Percentile
33 in - 80th Percentile

Getting to the doctors appointment was when the whole thing started.

I haven't done laundry in a while, so Maycee walked in the office with too small overalls and no shoes and socks because the socks were in the washer.  Hair was definitely not done.

The fact that I am super pregnant carting this kid around probably sent chills down the backs of everyone in the office.  I'm sure all of them were thinking, "There is no way this woman should be having another one..."  I'll probably be agreeing with them in two months.

When we got back to our "checkup" room the nurse asked me to strip Maycee down so that she could be weighed.  Anytime the nurse needed to do anything to Maycee, she would ask, "Can I see how tall you are?  Can I see how big your head is?" etc.  Maycee's answer was always a resolute "No."  This continued when the doctor came into the room.

Before the doctor could make her grand entrance Maycee was busy creating havoc while I was trying to fill out paper work.  Nothing was spared.  I finally drew the line when she was digging through the diaper bag and pulled out her Ziploc bag full of Cheerios.  She opened the bag and started to violently shake the contents all over the office.  Gggrrrrrrr.  We both picked up the Cheerios and put them in the bag.  As we were putting the last Cheerio in the bag, Maycee grabbed it from me and shook them out again!   Aaahhhhhhh! 

It's a good thing the doctor took forever to come our room because I was busy trying to put the whole thing back together.

Everything proceeded as usual during the checkup, but you could tell Maycee was done being pent up in that room.  She wanted out.  The crowning statement was said by Dr. Burgess as Maycee had climbed up to the top of my head and was sitting on me with her legs on my shoulders.

"You should be expecting her to climb more and be able to get to things a lot more easily," she said.

I almost retorted that Maycee can't get any higher as I am only this tall!...but I didn't.

All in all, things went well.


Nicole Ray said...

Connor weighs 22 pounds! Oh man, good luck with all the new baby checkups and taking Maycee!! Let me know if you ever need a babysitter, we would love to watch her!

Emily said...

Hahahahahaha that response is fantastic!