Sunday, March 4, 2012

It finally happened.


I've been waiting for this to happen for months, but it happened today.  It was all very surreal.

I was released from the Relief Society Presidency.

We, as a presidency, knew that it was coming close to the end of our service.  It was quite a shock when they released just me.

After Sacrament Meeting, Linda, the RS President bee lined it towards me.  She gave me a big hug and we both started to cry.  She said that she knew that I was carrying a big burden and she needed to help me lighten it.

I love Linda.

It is really hard for me to express my feelings.  I was feeling overwhelmed, but I refused to ask to be released.  Linda recognized my need and just took care of it.  She has taught me so much about Relief Society.  She has been a pseudo mom and very good friend to me.  I will miss all of the extra time that I have had to spend with her because of my calling.

I will miss Linda.

I will miss Debra.

I will miss Kelli.

All of these women are SO different and have taught me such different things.

Linda taught me what it means to have respect for womanhood and for the Savior.

Debra taught me what it means to be honest and true to the gospel of Jesus Christ.  She also taught me what it means to always take care of your calling.

Kelli taught me what it means to have true charity for others.

I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving me the opportunity to learn and to serve.

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