Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Stunts that I don't want in my house.

Every time that I feel I finally have my house arranged in such a way that Maycee won't destroy it, something happens to change my comfort level.

This stunt really sent me over the edge...in a bad/good way.

Let me explain.

I love that Maycee is learning.  She catches on to things so quickly!  Ever since she was first born we have emphasized certain things to her.  The number one thing would probably be the gospel.  Anytime she sees a picture of Jesus she points and says "Jezz!"  That is how she says Jesus.  It really makes me feel good.

When Stephen and I were first married, his Aunt gave us a Christus statue that we have placed in a prominent place in our home.  On my sofa table behind the couch.

That prominent place has now been violated.

The other day Maycee climbed on the couch, on top of the cushions, and sat on the sofa table.  When I turned to see what she was doing, she was calmly sitting on the table holding hands with the Christus statue.

I flipped.

When I flipped, Maycee began to push...

Don't worry.  No harm came to either my child or the Christus statue, but it sure put me on alert.

What to do...what to do...

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