Sunday, September 2, 2012

Hot Air Balloons

Last night was the Spirit of Boise Hot Air Balloon Nite Glow.  Apparently they have been doing this for a very long time.  This year we packed up the kids and went with some friends.

There were a TON of people there!  Just looking at some of the pictures, you can see that the park is packed.

They started out with a Mickey balloon.

At first Maycee was unsure of what the balloon was.  You could tell when she finally understood.  Her eyes lit up and she got a big smile on her face.  "Mickey!" she said.

This is Maycee and Daphne.  They refused to smile for Stephen.  Or even really acknowledge him.  Maycee stole their goldfish crackers all night.

You can kind of start to see the balloons right here.

In the beginning, Maycee was more interested in the band that was playing than what was happening with the balloons.

Then they lite up.

And this reaction.

So cute!

And then Mommy and Cooper.

All in all it was pretty fun.  It was really neat to watch Maycee's reaction to things.

Here's to the Spirit of Boise!

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