Tuesday, August 19, 2014



Things have definitely not gone according to plan.

After we sold our house, we were under contract for a week and the buyer backed out.  I was crestfallen.  That might sound a little dramatic, but it is how I felt.  The day before the buyer backed out I had this sick, dreadful feeling in my stomach.  The next day we found out and we were put back on the market.

We've continued to have 2 to 3 showings a week.  Our realtor keeps telling us that it is a good sign.  (I LOVE our realtor.)  Last Tuesday we had a couple walk through that I felt really good about.  Two days later they sent us an offer.  Not a good offer, so we countered.

They countered.

We countered.

They walked.

At this point in time I was devastated.  I didn't realize how much it affected me until a good friend sat next to me in church on Sunday to get an update.  Last she had heard, I had sold my house and was moving the last week in August.  As I told her the whole story, I unexpectedly started to sob.  I couldn't stop.

This is an emotional rollercoaster that I no longer want to ride.

I'm ready to get off.

I know.  Millions of people have already done this without any scars.  AND millions of other people will go through this process after me.

But this darn, emotional female (me) cannot get over the fact that the cute couple that put in an offer on our house last week, was supposed to buy our house.  At least that it what I thought I felt.

And P.S. I have a bajillions of other posts to post previous to this one, but we packed up our computer so our house would look less cramped.  Therefore, all of these cute pictures I have taken on my camera are stuck on my camera until I get my computer back.  My iPad just doesn't function the same way.

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