Sunday, August 3, 2014

Farm Week!

Stephen went on high adventure with his Young Men from July 28th to August 2nd.

I decided to go on a 'high adventure' of my own.

I went crawling home to my parents.  We had SO much fun!!  And I forgot my camera.  Of course!  So luckily I got some of my mom's pictures off of her smart phone.

I got to the farm around 8 o'clock on Sunday night.  My Dad called me just before 8 to find out if I had left yet.  I had originally planned on leaving my house at 8, but since Stephen had meeting after meeting getting ready for high adventure we decided to leave early.  I told Dad I was driving up the lane and he said, "Okay, we'll see you in three hours then." And hung up the phone.  My mom was quite surprised when a minute later I walked in the door.  The kids were super excited to see Grandma and Grandpa.

Monday morning came very early as Mom took me to her summer swim aerobics class.  We woke up at 5:15 am, put on our swim suits, and ran out the door at 5:30.  It was SO funny to watch all of these old ladies do this class.  Honestly, my mom was one of the 'young pups'.  It makes me laugh to even type that phrase.  Dad watched all of my three kiddos so I was able to go.  Thanks Dad!

Honestly the week passed very quickly.  We went from one thing to the next.

I told my mom that for the entire week I was cooking dinner.  I was making healthy dinners.  All of the recipes were new and we were going out on a limb.  I was pretty impressed with myself!  My favorite was the marinated tilapia covered with mango salsa.  Mmmmmmm.

During the beginning of the week we helped Dad put the header on his combine.  When I say helped, what I really mean, is that we were in the way of my Dad the entire time.  This year my Dad bought a new/used combine.  When we were helping, Maycee, Cooper, Mom, and I were crammed inside of a little one man combine.  My Dad squeezed in a minute later to attach the header.  My Dad couldn't start the combine.  This "new" combine was so hi-tech that apparently one of the kiddos had touched something and made my Dad unable to turn it on.  He was a little perturbed.  Ten minutes later we were good to go.  The combine started.  Note to self: too much computer can be a bad thing....

Here are cutie pictures of the kiddos in the tractor while trying to attach the header to the combine.

My mom just bought the coolest kiddie pool known to man.  Seriously.  It came in the mail while we were at the farm on our visit.  Boston came to also be a part of the fun pool-ness.

This is funny.  Cooper and Boston each had little bowls to play with in the water.  They were trying really hard to get the other wet, but couldn't figure out the proper angle.  They ended up just getting themselves wetter and then laughing.  It was sure fun to watch, though!

At the end of the week, my cousin, Blake, came to visit with his wife, Janet, and their three kids.  We drove them all over the farm checking out the different crops and seeing farm life.  It was fun to take Maycee and Cooper to do these things as well.  We've ever thought to take them out and dig potatoes or chew on the grain with them.  These were all things that I grew up doing, and lamely, have not done with the kiddos until now.  Everyone loved the farm excursion!  Way to think of a great way to entertain a California, born and raised, city family, Mom!!

Here are some pictures of Maycee and Cooper in the grain.  Cooper was at the wrong height.  The tips of the grain were right in his face. He was not a fan.

Poor Oliver missed out on most of the fun because of nap time.  When he can actually remember the fun, then he won't be napping so much!

Thanks Mom and Dad for letting me come and bombard you for a whole week!  Maybe if Stephen gets put in Young Men's again we can keep this as a tradition.

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