Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Spanish Fork 5K

Stephen and I drove down to Spanish Fork last weekend to run the 5K with Stephen's family. I have been dreading this run ever since the idea was brought up in the turned out to be really fun!

Here are all of our runners. Uuuummmmmm. I think that everyone looks a little....shall we say...drugged?

After the race I was TOTALLY dead. I actually jogged the whole time, which was quite surprising. The most that I have ran since I started "training" was two miles. The people around you running gave you a total high. It made me push hard.

Here are the results:

Brandon: 22:42
Stephen: 26:55
Joseph: 27:43
Mitzi: 30:55
Kami: 39:27

This is how they kept track of our times. It took us a few minutes to figure out how to put these darn things on. (The orange tag)

These are all of the random pictures that I took of everyone else while running: I know, they are all blurry. I realized after I took all of the pictures that I had a motion option on the camera. Yeah, I'm retarded.

#1 - This is Brandon's shoulder. He said that he was going so fast that I couldn't even take a picture of him. NOT TRUE!!! My camera was being retarded...

#2 - This is Stephen. He's the one closest to the double yellow line.

#3 - This is Joseph. The one in the lead.

#4 - Here comes Mitzi!

Just use your imagination to make the pictures not blurry. Don't worry, I take pictures for a living...

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