Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Weekend

 Spanish Fork was a lot of fun...I just hate that drive.

On Saturday night we drove into Orem where they had a pumpkin carving contest displayed.  There were some seriously cool pumpkins.  We took pictures of a few of them.

Maycee also wore her costume.  She is one dang cute ladybug.  I made her put on the gloves because it was cold...those weren't a part of her costume.

Look at the detail on these!  They must have taken all day to carve.  I was in awe.  They looked very difficult.  I guess there is such a thing as a professional pumpkin carver.

They had a cute place all ready to take pictures!

Just in case you can't tell, Stephen and I dressed up as grass to go along with Maycee's ladybug.  We hand made those t-shirts.  Aren't they cool!  I really should have taken a picture of just the shirt.  We worked hard on those things!

Pumpkin carving was up on the docket for Monday.

Brandon and Stephen worked meticulously on their pumpkins.

Our nieces, Samantha and Beth, also carved pumpkins.  The beginners did great, however, Stephen didn't get pictures of the girls' pumpkins.

My official job in pumpkin carving is cleaning out the guts and scraping out the pumpkin.  I am not a fan of carving pumpkins.  Personally, I think that it is way too difficult for such a short and fleeting result.  Besides, I like to feel the guts between my fingers.

This is Brandon's pumpkin.

He said that it broke quite a few times, but we couldn't tell.

This is Stephen's werewolf.  Look at the tiny details!  My man is amazing.

Monday night Brandon and Mitzi took the girls trick-or-treating while Stephen and I maned the door with the candy.  Maycee had a hacking cough so we decided not to take her out and show off her costume.  Good thing we had her wear it on Monday.  We got one wear out of it.

Because of Bethy's peanut allergy, we made it out with all of the good chocolate candy from their trick-or-treating.  Sweet.

The drive on Tuesday morning wasn't as bad as the one on Friday, but we are now glad to be home.

I never really realize how much I love being home until I'm gone for a period of time.

Happy Halloween!

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