Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ultrasound Appointment

Yesterday Stephen and I had our ultrasound appointment.

We were both super giddy as we were waiting in the waiting area.

I was so sure that Maycee was a boy that this time I didn't say anything.  I had my own little inclinations, but was very reticent to let anyone know.  So I didn't.

As I lay on the table while the ultrasound technician told me what we were seeing in the pictures, I was very quiet and contemplative.  When we saw the sex of our baby I knew what it was before the technician said it.

"It's a boy!"

I shed some tears as I saw our little boy on the monitor.

I remember having the same reaction with our first.

I had a strong feeling that this one was a boy.

I am so grateful that Heavenly Father has blessed Stephen and me with these two little miracles!  I can't wait to meet our new little boy.

As the appointment wore on the technician was amazed at the fact that this little boy was stretched out the entire time.  Never once did he tuck his little legs in.  He wanted space.

I guess we won't have a cuddler this time either.


Megan and TJ said...

Congratulations! Little boys are so special!

Jamie Harmon said...

Oh, I'm SSSOOO excited for you! I think the whole "have a girl, then a boy" is going around! My sister just had a boy last week, too! YAY!