Monday, August 27, 2012

Grocery Shopping

I'm pretty sure that I have mentioned on this blog before that I loathe grocery shopping.  It is the bane of my existence.  BUT because I'm trying to be a healthy person, I go grocery shopping once a week. That's how long the fresh fruits and veggies last.

This morning was grocery shopping day.

Normally I carry Cooper in the Bjorn and put Maycee in the grocery cart seat, but today we went during Cooper's nap.  Cooper slept in his car seat.  As soon as I pulled Maycee out of the car she said, "Mom, walk!"  I stewed this over and decided to give it a go.  At least until Maycee proved she wasn't ready.

We walked into Winco and ventured towards the produce section.  Here was Maycee's first chance to prove that she was "mature" enough to walk by herself in the grocery store.  She bee-lined it for the plums.  Grabbed one.  Took a bite and said, "Mmmmm, yummy apples!"


I tore the plum from her fingers and put it in a plastic baggy to purchase.

Believe it or not, I actually had plums written on my grocery list.

Now I have a plum with a toddler sized bite in it.

And a toddler who is not ready to leave the grocery cart.

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