Friday, October 25, 2013

Happy Halloween!!! (Part 1)

I love Halloween.

That's probably a weird holiday to love, but I do.  I love the massive amounts of candy, I love the cool decorations, I love the awesome haunted houses, BUT most of all I love to dress up.

Because of my love for Halloween, I signed up to host the Preschool Halloween Party.  I signed up for this gig three or four months ago.  I should have started planning then.  At least then I would have been ready.

The party was supposed to begin at 10am.  At 9:45 I was scrambling.  I called Kelli and asked her to call the rest of the troops and hold them off until 10:30.  At 10:30, I still wasn't ready, but the party started anyway.  I am currently begging pictures off of people so that I can put them on my blog.  I was running around like a chicken the entire time and didn't have a second to snap a picture.  Hopefully I'll get to add pictures soon!

We started of the party with our ghost bean bag toss.  I made white bean bags for each of the kids and Stephen drew ghosts on them.  They're pretty cool.  Each of the kids were able to throw the ghosts into our 'pumpkin patch buckets' for a treat.  Maycee was the only kid that didn't get a ghost in the bucket.  In her defense, we've decided that she is not a lefty, but she threw all of the bean bags with her left hand.  That was the hand I gave her the bean bags too.

After the bean bag toss we had an obstacle course for the kids to run.  Honestly, I think they were a little young for that particular game.  It was sure funny to watch them try, though!

Then we decorated little pumpkins with markers and did a cupcake walk.  It was a lot of fun and a lot of work.  It was probably a lot of work because I always have this idea in my head, 'go big or go home'.  It had to be awesome!  Maybe someday I'll get over that.

We had lunch together and the party was over.  I love being able to sit and talk with the other moms in the group.  Adult interaction has been a little slim as of late.

Well...Happy Halloween!

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